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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

~ So Silently the Wondrous Gift is Given ~

I have heard the Christmas story and sung the Christmas songs for many, many years. But, never before has the fact that God sent His Son into the world so very silently struck me until this year. It seemed as if the words silently, quietly, mysteriously, and humbly were bolded and italicized throughout the season. And, it was very apparent Christmas Eve.

We sung Silent Night, and those words, silently, so silently, the wondrous Gift is given were beautiful and seemed to pierce right through the crazy choatic day to my soul. Then, we got in our pajamas and went to the town square to read the Christmas Story in front of the large Nativity. As we sat there and my 5 year old prayed, I could not help but notice..... The quiet, peaceful, simple Nativity to my right, and the 1000s of lights, blaring carols and laughing people to my left.

To my left was wonderful, the celebration of the season. ~ But, to my right was a baby wonderfully born to die to save my soul. To my left was the light made by the world ~ To my right was the Light OF the world. To my left was what we all get so caught up in ~ To my right was Who gets caught up in us!

I left the Nativity with a since of peace and stillness that I wish every soul on earth could enjoy. He comes into our lives and silently works. No fanfare, no loud words, no banners ~ just a gentle hand guiding, loving, forgiving, giving, and loving some more.

May you have a chance to focus on His silence this season!

Friday, December 23, 2005

~"You will never look at Christmas Lights the same"~

One of my absolute favorite things in the world to do is to go through life with my Christian music in the background. Whether I am cooking, cleaning, scrapbooking or just doing the journey, I thrive on words and music about Him. And, one of the most amazing song writers is Michael Card. His music is not only peace in the chaos, but his words go so deep that often when you hear a song you've heard hundreds of times, there is something new in the words you did not hear before. If you have not heard him, here is his link - pick up a CD - Scribbling in the Sand is a nice collection of some of his most famous songs.

Having been blessed enough to go to a Christmas concert by him I heard an amazing story that truly changed the way I look at the lights on my Christmas tree. I hesitated to share this at a time that is to be so joyful, but this season truly is about our Savior, and, He came to set captives free ~ as in this story. (So, as a PS before you read on, as Michael Card told the story he did say let's not boycott, but, lift these pastors up in prayer. In fact, they have an option to print out a prayer card - if nothing else, the name will provide a conversation piece hanging on your fridge. I to believe this provides a beautiful opportunity for us to dig deeper into the power of the Lord. He has put those pastors there for this time and this place ~ All we need do is give them the power they need through our prayers.)

Did you ever wonder who made those beautiful strands to light our season? Did you ever think knowing the story behind them could change your Christmas' forever? Please, read Lights of Christmas and see the beautiful glow in a new way.

And Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

~Our Most Unique 2005 Tree ~

I bet our tree is more unique than your tree! And, I bet you don't have a live tree topper like we do! And, I bet you didn't have to put all the ornaments on 3 or 4 times! And, I bet next year I am locking our cat up from the moment the decorations are out until they are all put away! :)

A kitten, a tree, lots of dangling ornaments, lights put up by a 5 year old, and a really tall trunk make for quite amusing moments in our household!

My husband mentioned something in passing about the kitten and the tree, and, me in my hurried moment said "yeah"....well, shhh, don't tell him this, but he was right :)

Now, I love to decorate the tree with matching ribbon, beads and glass balls ~ and, with an artificial tree you can make the limbs hang just so, and fill in the holes to perfection........that is unless you are helped by a 5 and 7 year old, and then a kitten who is just experiencing a Christmas tree for the first time! So, this year let me try to describe my tree....

* All the ornaments are on the front of the tree at about 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet up - I truly don't think there is a limb left there without an ornament. From the back it looks like we just stuck a tree up - the neighbors will be wondering about us?!?!

* About 90% of the lights are also in that little 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet area, and, many of the strands look more like a lit flying trapeze just hanging from a limb.

* We have a different tree this year that is just about, oh, 2 feet too tall for our house. Thank goodness the manufacturer made that top removable - so, our tree kinda just stops, no pointy top - which leads me to the next unique quality of our 2005 tree

* We have no angel topper (well, we do a few times a day - that will be explained at a later moment). Without a pointy top there is no spot for our angel, so, she is hanging out on the top branch along with a couple of other little dolls that we could set around the top - it reminds me of the It's A Small World ride at Disney.

* Depending on the time of day, and when our kitten last had an opportunity to visit the tree, the top branches are often found just dangling or on the ground (well, now, I guess it is a blessing there are not any ornaments up there)

*And, to TOP off (ha, ha) the unique qualities of our 2005 tree ~ we often have a black kitten sitting right on top on that flat little part that is supposed to have a pointy part! I am totally serious ~ somehow she crawls up, while only knocking off a few ornaments and sits on top of the tree. It has become her place to watch the world (and probably hide from the dog)!

Why do I share this you ask? Well, because, besides the fact that it is extremely funny, and, I bet some of you have a heavily ornamented part of your tree, the Lord has taught me something this year. A lesson that we as parents all need to be taught over and over again..... Our children really are with us only a short time. We will have all the time in the world to make our tree decorations perfectly match in the years after they are gone. If hanging the lights and ornaments bring joy and memories to their lives, that is what it should be about.

So, as I continue to let that feline crawl up my tree, I can say I have gotten more laughs and joy out of our Unique 2005 tree than any other one in my life!

(However, I will sacrifice and rent out our live tree topper if anyone is in need of one) :)

May you have a wonderful and love filled Christmas!

~Someone is missing at Christmas~

As I hung the ornaments on the Christmas tree this year the song, "Someone is missing at Christmas" was playing in the background - and, what a tear-jerker if you have ever lost someone or if someone is living far away. I posted the lyrics at the bottom of the post for those who have not heard the song.

As I hung ornaments from years past, including those from some who are no longer with me, I felt a sense of sadness and emptiness - Christmas is not supposed to make us feel that way - but, it is a true reality for those who have been seperated from a loved one through death, distance or illness.

But, as I prayed and told the Lord my heart, I heard Him so strongly, yet gently and empatheticly say, "I was missing someone at Christmas. My heart hurt too, but, I knew we would be together for eternity, and, that is so much longer than the short journey on earth". And, just like that, my amazing God lifted the sadness and I found my heart celebrating my Savior's birth and not focusing on who or what I am missing this holiday season.

I pray that as the season for our Savior's birth continues, that you can know the seperation is but for such a short time, and there is One who knows your soul and will listen to your heart.

Someone Is Missing at Christmas ~ lyrics

Someone is missing at Christmas
Someone I loved all my life
Someone I played with and laughed all night long
Someone I think of when I hear that song

Someone is missing at Christmas
Someone has left me alone
Someone so close even though we’re apart
Someone who’d finished the sentence I’d start

Someone whose love is my favorite gift
Someone whose presence is my Christmas wish
Someone who always was here
Someone is missing this year

Candlelit snapshots of Christmases gone by
You in your favorite chair
Memories like snowflakes melt in my eyes
I look and you’re not sitting there

Someone whose love is my favorite gift
Someone whose presence is my Christmas wish
Someone is missing at Christmas
Wait… someone is touching my heart…

Someone has heard me and answered my call
Someone I love is not missing at all
Someone is with me at Christmas
Someone’s right here in my heart
Someone I love is with me this Christmas
And will be each Christmas to come!

~ My Hero ~

Having 3 boys in the house makes for lots of stories, toys and movies about super heroes - they are the ones that are save the day and often save the world. As I have heard them talk about the heroes I have always come back to the thought "If only the world would see who the ultimate Hero is".....Jesus

Not often is the name of Jesus and Hero used in the same sentence. But, He fits every possible description that could describe a hero ~

* Brave ~ He endured the cross, alone
* Conqueror ~ He conquered the ultimate defeat, death
* Champion ~ He is victorious in the final battle, for eternity
* Humanitarian ~ He gave His all for humanity, willingly
* Gentle ~ His hands held babies, and He holds us, gently
* Distinct Clothing ~ Crown of Thorns, nail scarred hands, and a robe of pure white
* Super Powers ~ He rose again, He heals, He hears us all as we pray, He provides, He saves
* X-Ray Vision ~ He peers right through our sinful garment of flesh, and sees our cleansed heart of gratitude

As we go through our often chaotic and busy lives, we need a super hero to save us in our times of frustration, trials, and temptations. As adults we know there will not be a superman to scoop us up as a co-worker is about to give us a piece of their mind, or a wonder woman to fold our 8 baskets of laundry at lightening speed, or a robin hood to hand us a bag of money to help pay our house payment. But we can know there is an authentic hero that can not only save our day, but, our heart and soul, Jesus…………

Excerpt taken from the My Hero He Keeps Us Devotional available at Scrapbookers Bubble Bath.com