Lookin' the Part
This weekend, my 9 year old's teeth came into contact with my 11 year old's leg ~ and, now, well, I am seeing many trips to the dentist in my future!
After calming him down and clearing up the bleeding, I can not begin to describe the sinking feeling in my heart as I took a good look at his adult teeth ~ with 2 loose and 7 chipped, his poor mouth looked like one that belonged to a NHL Player.
We were teasing my son because he does so want to be a hockey player ~ in fact, he was almost proud of his new "Hockey Dude" mouth ~ he ran around showing the neighbors and he even posed with his hockey stick for a picture! Now, he actually looks the part of what he is striving to be.
As I got ready for bed that night, I was praying my heart out ~ I just couldn't believe such a thing happened to potentially change how my child would look for the rest of his life.
Then, man, I just love the Lord's ways! He spoke to me loud and clear :)
My precious child, sometimes I must bring trauma into your life to make you "Look the part". Those moments brought you farther down the path of the woman I created, and who you are striving, to be.
Wow ~ and, isn't that the truth? I can sure point to some times when I hurt so badly that all I really was able to do was sit at His feet and trust in Him. Yet, in a weird way, I thank Him for the trama because I know I "Look the part" more now as a direct result of those moments.
Is He bringing some traumatic things in your life? Are you not sure why the pain? Is this situation going to forever change how your life will look? Are you wishing for yesterday? Does the future look so different than how you believe it should? Could it be for the purpose of making you "Look the part"? Sit at His feet, trust in Him, and, let Him do what needs to be done.
Lord, I pray my son's mouth is a gentle reminder to me that you are always working to bring us closer to what You created us to be. May I trust You in the trauma, give You all the glory in the molding, and, make You proud as I strive to be "Lookin' the Part"
After calming him down and clearing up the bleeding, I can not begin to describe the sinking feeling in my heart as I took a good look at his adult teeth ~ with 2 loose and 7 chipped, his poor mouth looked like one that belonged to a NHL Player.
We were teasing my son because he does so want to be a hockey player ~ in fact, he was almost proud of his new "Hockey Dude" mouth ~ he ran around showing the neighbors and he even posed with his hockey stick for a picture! Now, he actually looks the part of what he is striving to be.
As I got ready for bed that night, I was praying my heart out ~ I just couldn't believe such a thing happened to potentially change how my child would look for the rest of his life.
Then, man, I just love the Lord's ways! He spoke to me loud and clear :)
My precious child, sometimes I must bring trauma into your life to make you "Look the part". Those moments brought you farther down the path of the woman I created, and who you are striving, to be.
Wow ~ and, isn't that the truth? I can sure point to some times when I hurt so badly that all I really was able to do was sit at His feet and trust in Him. Yet, in a weird way, I thank Him for the trama because I know I "Look the part" more now as a direct result of those moments.
Is He bringing some traumatic things in your life? Are you not sure why the pain? Is this situation going to forever change how your life will look? Are you wishing for yesterday? Does the future look so different than how you believe it should? Could it be for the purpose of making you "Look the part"? Sit at His feet, trust in Him, and, let Him do what needs to be done.
Lord, I pray my son's mouth is a gentle reminder to me that you are always working to bring us closer to what You created us to be. May I trust You in the trauma, give You all the glory in the molding, and, make You proud as I strive to be "Lookin' the Part"
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