As Obvious as a 55-inch TV
I will never forget the day my husband took me to the store to show me the big screen TV he wanted ~ In my mind I had, you know, a 30-some inch nice size TV ~ Never in a million years did I dream of a 55-inch monster! I was speechless as I stood beside that thing, surrounded by so many smaller, more beautiful TVs. But as I saw his face, like a kid getting a new bike Christmas morning, how could I say no?
And, I will definitely never forget that New Years Eve hearing the saw on my back porch. That was the sound of my husband and dad cutting the porch floor to make room in the entry-way to the basement to get that 55-inch monster in. All I could do was make chocolate chip cookies ~ They were cutting a hole in my home for a TV!!!
Then came the (sad and traumatic) realization that our new home's living room was big enough for that 55-inch monster. Of course that thing wouldn't need to go in the basement ~ he has a media room with a projector ~ now giving us full wall size viewing pleasure!!
As I called a friend yesterday to serve my condolences that she now has her own 55-inch monster in her living room (just in time for the Super Bowl of course) ~ I shared my frustration in decorating those things. I have yet to find a decorating idea in a Elegant Homes Magazine ~ Why? 'Cause big screen TVs are not home decor. They are not meant to be hidden or creatively masked. No matter what candles, ivy or pictures you try to surround these giants with, when you walk in a room.....they are obvious ~ not to be missed.
Last night, as I prayed, thanking the Lord for my friend, the big screen TV conversation came to mind ~ as well as a smile :) Then, it occurred to me.....Christ in me truly needs to be as obvious as a 55-inch monster in a living room.
When others are around me, do they see Christ in such a big way that He can't be missed? Or, do I do a master job at making Him just a part of the package ~ not really noticed unless one really digs deep or takes a good long look. In the case of my Savior, I WANT a monster size object in my living room. When others walk into my life, I Want Him to be as obvious as a 55-inch TV.
So, now I am kinda excited about my husband's TV in my living room. I can make that big screen TV an object of reminder for a spiritual gut-check ~ Is Christ the 55-inch Monster in my life ~ I sure pray so!!
And, I will definitely never forget that New Years Eve hearing the saw on my back porch. That was the sound of my husband and dad cutting the porch floor to make room in the entry-way to the basement to get that 55-inch monster in. All I could do was make chocolate chip cookies ~ They were cutting a hole in my home for a TV!!!
Then came the (sad and traumatic) realization that our new home's living room was big enough for that 55-inch monster. Of course that thing wouldn't need to go in the basement ~ he has a media room with a projector ~ now giving us full wall size viewing pleasure!!
As I called a friend yesterday to serve my condolences that she now has her own 55-inch monster in her living room (just in time for the Super Bowl of course) ~ I shared my frustration in decorating those things. I have yet to find a decorating idea in a Elegant Homes Magazine ~ Why? 'Cause big screen TVs are not home decor. They are not meant to be hidden or creatively masked. No matter what candles, ivy or pictures you try to surround these giants with, when you walk in a room.....they are obvious ~ not to be missed.
Last night, as I prayed, thanking the Lord for my friend, the big screen TV conversation came to mind ~ as well as a smile :) Then, it occurred to me.....Christ in me truly needs to be as obvious as a 55-inch monster in a living room.
When others are around me, do they see Christ in such a big way that He can't be missed? Or, do I do a master job at making Him just a part of the package ~ not really noticed unless one really digs deep or takes a good long look. In the case of my Savior, I WANT a monster size object in my living room. When others walk into my life, I Want Him to be as obvious as a 55-inch TV.
So, now I am kinda excited about my husband's TV in my living room. I can make that big screen TV an object of reminder for a spiritual gut-check ~ Is Christ the 55-inch Monster in my life ~ I sure pray so!!
Come this Sunday, I will be having TV envy for sure! We will be gathered around our 35 inch TV which (to quote King of Queens) is so Year 2004! Love ya!
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